Ten Steps to Spring Clean Your Finances.
"When it comes to spring cleaning, you probably haul the junk out of your garage, scrub your fridge, and wash the rugs and drapes. But don’t forget about your personal finances. Just after tax season is the perfect time to perform an annual evaluation and tidying up of your budget, bank accounts, debts, and investments."Terrific Helpful Hints from TIME Business & Money - article by Martha C. White (not sure if she is related to the Flour - LOL)
But even 10 Steps can seem overwhelming. CPCU can help you figure out your personal debt reduction and help you create a plan to improve your credit score.
For the FULL article click here: http://business.time.com/2013/04/29/10-steps-to-spring-clean-your-finances/#ixzz2RrYhkFEv